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Servicio en Español

Acompáñanos en nuestro servicio de español los domingos a las 12:30 pm en el Centro de Estudiantes. (Join us for our Spanish Service, Sundays at 12:30 pm in the Student Center.)      

King’s Hwy Connector

Join Darrin & Cindy Cline in their home on Sundays, March 16th & 30th, from 5-7p for our King's Hwy Connector. Come invest, learn and grow in the Holy Spirit. For more info, contact Darrin or Cindy at This group meets bi-weekly.

Women’s Tea

Women of West are having a Tea on Saturday, March 22nd, from Noon to 2pm in The Bistro. Attire is Dressy Casual.  Wearing of hats or fascinators is encouraged. Cost is $20. Payment can be made via our Donations page at (Memo: WOW Tea), or by scanning the QR code. RSVP by March 8th…


West Kids Family Night

All Kids (K5 thru 5th Grade) and their families are invited to join Pastor Heather & Crew for Family Night on Friday, March 28th, from 6-9pm in the FLC. There will be food, fun, games and more fun! Contact Pastor Heather at for more info.

Men’s Fellowship | Serve Saturday

West Metro Men’s Fellowship will meet on Saturday, March 29th, at 9am in the FLC. Breakfast will be provided, followed by a time of service and ministry. For more info on this event, contact Frank Brewster at 

Passover Seder Meal

Join Carolyn McKinney as she shares the history of Passover and then partake of our Seder Meal on Friday, April 11th, at 6pm in The Bistro. Cost is $25 per person.  Reservations are required so that we can adequately prepare for our dinner guests. Contact the Church Office at 770.942.5012 or by Noon on…

Friday Night Fire

Join us on Good Friday, April 18th, from 6:30-8:30pm in the Worship Center as we remember the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through Worship and The Word  

Family Fun Day

Kids of all ages are invited to join us for Family Fun Day on Saturday, April 19th, from 12-2pm. There will be fun, games and "egg"citing surprises! For more info, contact Pastor Heather at

Men’s Warrior Advance

Men, mark your calendars for May 1st thru 3rd for our Men's Warrior Advance at Legacy Retreat Center. Join other men for a time of service, ministry and recreation. Cost is $50 which includes lodging and meals. For more info, contact Pastor Tay at

2025 Summer Camp – Save the Date

Save the Date! Reservations for Summer Camp at Camp Legacy is almost open. Dates are as follows: June 9-13 | High School June 16-20 | Middle High School June 23-27 | Age 7 thru Grade 5 A $50 deposit will assure reservation for K thru 12th Grade. For more info, Kids, Age 7 thru Grade…