West Worship Connector
If you would like to be part of ushering in the presence of God thru worship, join Pastor Jason Guyton and West Worship Connector for Choir Rehearsal at its new time on Tuesdays at 6pm in The Bistro. God inhabits the praises of His people.
Making Men
Young men, join Pastor Tay every Tuesday at 6p in the Student Center, for Making Men. Enjoy food, games and a devotion. Contact Pastor Josh at jpoole@westmetrocog.org for more info. This event is for young men 6th Grade and up.
Making Mary
Calling all young ladies (Grades 6 thru 12) for Making Mary in A Martha World. Tuesdays from 6-8p in the Student Center. Come learn how to become a Mary as Jesus guides and directs you around the distractions of living in a busy Martha World. For more info, contact Melissa at melissahalpin.ffdc@gmail.com.
Powder Springs Connector
The Holy Spirit is moving at The Powder Springs Connector. Join Mark & Valarie Crider on Tuesday, February 25th, at their home in The Upper Room and experience a deeper relationship with the Third Person of The Trinity. Fellowship begins at 6:45pm, followed by a devotion at 7pm. For more info, contact Mark at marcuscrider@att.net.
Wednesday Night Dinner
Join us on Wednesdays at 5p in the FLC for our Wednesday Night Dinner. Menu changes weekly. Come hungry and bring a friend!
Warrior Group
Veterans and 1st Responders are in a fight for their lives. Join Kenneth Coomer on Wednesdays at 1700 for dinner in the FLC, followed by the group at 1800 in Room 119. The goal of our Warrior Group is to eradicate suicide through the 3 C’s: Claims, Camaraderie and Christ. Come hang with likeminded individuals…
Douglasville Connector
Discover how the Old Testament builds towards the fulfillment in the New Testament as you join Dan, Vicki & Jamie Chamberlain on Thursdays, February 13th & 27th at 6pm in their home. Contact Pastor Dan at 6677cham@gmail.com for more info. This group meets bi-weekly.
3M Meeting
The next 3M Meeting will be on Monday, March 3rd, at 6pm in The Bistro. Join Pastor Kenneth and hear about and be a part of the decision-making process for upcoming ministry events and serving opportunities. Come get connected!
Smokey Mountain Winterfest
West Students are attending this year's Smokey Mountain Winterfest, March 7th thru 9th, in Pigeon Forge, TN. Cost is $200, which includes room and ticket to the event. Contact Pastor Tay at taychatman80@gmail.com on how you can pray for all attendees.This event is for Grades 6 thru 12 only.
Medicine Monday
Beginning, February 17th at 6pm in The Bistro, join Janice Crowell for Medicine Monday. With the costs of medicine skyrocketing, come and learn tried and true natural remedies for many of your health needs. (1) Learn medicine herb profiles, (2) learn how to make your own medicines, (3) avoid pharmaceutical side effects and (4) save…