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Men’s Breakfast

West Metro Church of God 3858 Kings Hwy., Douglasville, GA, United States

Calling all men!  The next Iron Sharpens Iron Breakfast is Saturday, September 24th, at 9a in the Family Life Center. Contact Frank Brewster at for more info.

Ministry Maintenance Monday

West Metro Church of God 3858 Kings Hwy., Douglasville, GA, United States

Are you wanting to roll up your sleeves and become involved or are already serving and would like updates on ministry opportunities? Then come to our Ministry Maintenance Monday Meeting on Monday, October 3rd, at 6p in the FLC. Hear how the different ministries are run and find out what's coming up in the Fall…

Fall Student Retreat

Legacy Retreat Center 1803 Wilson Bridge Road, Homer, GA, United States

Registration has closed for this year's NGA COG Fall Student Retreat, with over 650 students registered. Please remember Pastor Josh and his 26 students that will be attending and pray that all will experience a life-changing Holy Spirit encounter.

Firm Foundation

West Metro Church of God - Douglasville, GA TN

All Adults are invited to the Firm Foundation Class with Ronnie & Melissa Burns on Sundays at 10a in Room 104. Join them as they begin a new study, Forgiving Forward, starting October 16th.  For more info, contact Ronnie at

Lynch Baby Shower

West Metro Church of God - Douglasville, GA TN

The Baby Shower for Larry & Chamere Lynch, originally scheduled for October 3rd, has been re-scheduled to Sunday, October 16th, 12:15p in the Choir Room. Baby Girl Lynch is still scheduled for a late Fall arrival. Chamere is registered at Target. RSVP Kelli Simpson at 404.290.6831.

Silver Eagles Elijay Apple Trip

The Silver Eagle are headed to Elijay for their Annual Fall Apple Trip on Saturday, October 22nd.  The bus will be leaving the church at 8a. This event is for all Senior Adults.  Contact Marilyn Foster at for more info.

Stewart Baby Shower

West Metro Church of God - Douglasville, GA TN

Scott & Kandice Stewart are having a baby! Join us as we honor them with a Baby Shower on Sunday, October 23rd, at 12:15p in the Choir Room.  Baby Boy Stewart is scheduled to make his appearance in early November. Kandice is registered at  RSVP Kelli Simpson at 404.290.6831.

Love Box Food Distribution

West Metro Church of God - Douglasville, GA TN

Our next Love Box Distribution will be held on Saturday, October 29th, in the Family Life Center. Time TBD. Each box will be filled with a variety of fresh fruit, vegetables and protein from local food suppliers. Due to rising food and gas prices, the cost of the Love Box has increased to $60.  It is still…

Men’s Iron Sharpens Iron Breakfast

West Metro Church of God - Douglasville, GA TN

All Men are invited to the Monthly Iron Sharpens Iron Breakfast on Saturday, October 29th, at 9a in the FLC. For more info, contact Frank Brewster at

Fall Fun Fest

West Metro Church of God - Douglasville, GA TN

We are excited about our Fall Fun Fest on Sunday, October 30 immediately following the morning worship gathering. We will have food, fun, and fall games for the whole family. We hope you will join us! Please contact the church office for questions or more information.