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Midweek Connector

All Adults are invited to join us for our Midweek Connector on Wednesdays at 7pm in the Worship Center. Come hear a relevant and timely message from Pastor Glenn Rountree…

Passover Seder Meal

Join Carolyn McKinney as she shares the history of Passover and then partake of our Seder Meal on Friday, April 11th, at 6pm in The Bistro. Cost is $25 per…

Hard Fought Hallelujah

West Metro Worship & Arts will be presenting "Hard Fought Hallelujah," a Christmas Carol-type drama retelling the events of Passion Week through the eyes of those that were there. Part…

Friday Night Fire

Join us on Good Friday, April 18th, from 6:30-8:30pm in the Worship Center for a special worship service, followed by a West Youth Bonfire in the woods.

Family Fun Day

Kids of all ages are invited to join us for Family Fun Day on Saturday, April 19th, from 12-2pm. There will be fun, games and "egg"citing surprises! For more info,…

Medicine Monday

Join Janice Crowell on April 21st at 6pm in The Bistro for Medicine Monday. With the costs of medicine skyrocketing, come and learn tried and true natural remedies for many…

Parent’s Night Out

Parents, do you need a break? Kid’s Ministry is having Parent’s Night Out on Friday, April 25th, from 6-9pm in the FLC. Cost is $25 per child ($50 maximum). Contact…

Men’s Warrior Advance

Men, mark your calendars for May 1st thru 3rd for our Men's Warrior Advance at Legacy Retreat Center. Join other men for a time of service, ministry and recreation. Cost…

Crider Baby Shower

You are cordially invited to the baby shower for Crista & Alex Crider on Saturday, May 3rd, at 2pm in The Upper Room in Powder Springs. Baby girl Cadence is…

Johnson Family House Warming

Carolyn McKinney and The Prophecy Class are hosting a House Warming for Rhonda Johnson and her Family on Sunday, May 4th, at 12:30pm in The Bistro. As many of you…