The Holy Spirit is moving at The Powder Springs Upper Room Connector. Â Join Mark Crider on Tuesday, September 26th, at his home and experience a deeper relationship with the Third Person of The Trinity. Fellowship begins at 6:45p, followed by a devotion at 7p with Guest Speaker Pastor T. White. For more info, contact Mark…
Parents, do you need a break? Kid’s Ministry is having Parent’s Night Out on Friday, September 29th, from 6-9p in the FLC. Cost is $25 per child ($50 maximum). Contact Pastor Heather at
We are now accepting candy donations for our Fall Festival October 28-29. Please bring your donation to either the Welcome Center or Kids Church by no later than Wednesday, October 25th. Thank you!
All Men are invited to the Men's Fellowship on Saturday, September 30th, at 9a in the FLC. Breakfast will be provided. For more info on this event, contact Frank Brewster at
The next 3M Ministry Maintenance Monday will be on October 2nd at 6p in The Bistro. Â Join Pastor Kenneth and hear about and be a part of the decision-making process for upcoming ministry events and serving opportunities. Â Come get connected! Dinner will be served.
Calling all Middle and High School Students. Â Mark your calendars for the North Georgia Student Fall Retreat on October 6-8th. Cost is $100. Contact Pastor Josh at for more info.
Are you hungry for more of God’s presence in your life and would like to experience God in a fresh, new way?  Then join Pastors Kenneth & Paige at their home on Monday, October 16th, at 6p.  Contact Pastor Kenneth at for more info.  Host location changes monthly.
Discover how the Old Testament builds towards the fulfillment in the New Testament as you join Jamie, Dan & Vicki for a chronological study of the Bible on October 19th, at 6p in their home. Â Contact Dan at for more info.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Sunday, October 22nd, is Pink Out Sunday at West. Wear Pink in honor of those that have been affected by this disease. #findacure
Mark your calendars for our 27th Annual West Metro Fall Festival on October 28th from Noon to 6pm and October 29th from 12:30 to 6pm. We will have arts and crafts, concessions, vendors, games, jumpies, horses, music, candy bags for the kids and more! Booth rental for one table and two chairs is $30. We…
The Spirit is moving at West Metro. Â Beginning Sunday, October 29th, our new start time for our Worship Experience will be 10:30am, with Sunday School and Connect Groups starting at 9:30am. Â Mark you calendars and set your clocks as we move with the Spirit.
West Metro is having a Homecoming on Sunday, November 5th, at 10:30a. With a message from our beloved Pastor Glenn Rountree. Unfortunately due to a ministry conflict, former Worship Pastors Donald & Shannon LeRoy will be unable to join us. Â We will, however, have Caleb Swain as our Guest Worship Leader. Â Then join us for…