New to West?
Welcome to our fellowship. We want to express Christ’s love to you with genuine, heartfelt warmth. We’re eager to share with you the marvelous ways God is working in our Church.
West is truly a family, rich in the relationships that matter most. Growing together, we worship, we serve, we laugh and we reach out to our world with life – transforming truth. Our doors and hearts are open to all.
We hope that by browsing our website, you will learn more about what we believe and the opportunities we offer at West. If you’ve been looking for a home church, Welcome Home!

You have a future in Christ! Not hoping for a future . . . but you have a future of hope.

Family Life
Life giving relationships rarely grow unattended, they need to be nurtured. Here at West Metro we have chosen to partner with “Families” to accomplish the church’s primary mission-fueling the faith and development of our people enabling us to gather those outside our doors into the waiting, welcoming arms of Christ Jesus.
In His wisdom, God has placed us in families. This being His intended means of caring for us and launching us into life. Through the years, it seems that the church has shifted a bit from God’s original design for its ministry approach. The church has asked most families to invest their energy in what the church was about rather than the church investing its energy in what families are about.
Choosing a home church that provides the opportunity for warm, caring and comfortable worship is no easy task.
Get Connected
Therefore, fulfilling the challenge of Christ to "share His love" with others has become our greatest desire. Through the the study of God’s Word, Worship and the experience of our faith, we provide an opportunity for others to join us as we grow in Christ.
Please browse through the website to learn more about the many opportunities available to get connected with the people and ministry opportunities at West. We invite you to visit us locally and experience our worship services. It won’t take you long to discover that this is truly a family, rich in relationships that matter most. Growing together, we worship, we serve, we laugh, and we reach out to our world with life – transforming truth. Our doors and hearts are open to all.