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Candies Needed for Family Fun Day

Kids Church is currently collecting individually wrapped candies for Family Fun Day, scheduled for Saturday, April 19th, from Noon to 2pm. Donations can be left at both Welcome Centers and…

Women’s Tea

Women of West are having a Tea on Saturday, March 22nd, from Noon to 2pm in The Bistro. Attire is Dressy Casual.  Wearing of hats or fascinators is encouraged. The…


All In Wednesday

Join us on Wednesday, March 26th, at 7pm in the Worship Center for All In, where all of our groups come together for our mid-week Worship & Bible Study with…

West Kids Family Night

All Kids (K5 thru 5th Grade) and their families are invited to join Pastor Heather & Crew for Family Night on Friday, March 28th, from 6-9pm in the FLC. There…

Men’s Fellowship | Serve Saturday

West Metro Men’s Fellowship will meet on Saturday, March 29th, at 9am in the FLC. Breakfast will be provided, followed by a time of service and ministry. For more info…

Servicio en Español

Acompáñanos en nuestro servicio de español los domingos a las 12:30 pm en el Centro de Estudiantes. (Join us for our Spanish Service, Sundays at 12:30 pm in the Student…

Prophecy Class

Travel through Scripture with Carolyn McKinney on Sundays at 1pm in Room 104 and see where we are in Bible prophecy.

King’s Hwy Connector

Join Darrin & Cindy Cline in their home on Sunday, March 30th, from 5-7pm for our King's Hwy Connector. Come invest, learn and grow in the Holy Spirit. For more…

3M Meeting

The next 3M Meeting will be on Monday, March 31st, at 6pm in The Bistro. Join Pastor Kenneth and hear about and be a part of the decision-making process for…

Tuesday Morning Prayer

Come join us for prayer on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am in the Worship Center as we intercede on behalf of our community, church and family. Prayer changes things.