2024 Heroes Honor Banquet
If you have volunteered in any capacity, you are cordially invited to our 2024 Heroes Honor Banquet on Monday, July 15th, from 6-8p in The Bistro. RSVP to contact.us@westmetrocog.org or 770.942.5012…
Ladies Paint Night
Women of West are invited to join Pat Page for a Ladies Paint Night on Friday, July 19th, from 5-8p in The Bistro. For more info, contact Starry Wallace at…
A Wild Wild West VBS
Calling all K4 thru 5th Graders! Mark your calendars for July 21st thru 24th, from 6-8pm, and saddle up for this year's A Wild Wild West VBS - "Roping-n-Riding for…
MIL Back 2 School Book Bag Giveaway
Our Partners in Ministry, Maximum Impact Love are having their Annual Book Bag Giveaway on Saturday, July 27th, from 11am to 3pm at Jackson Memorial Baptist Church, 534 Fairburn Rd…
B-Shoc In Concert
Christian Music Evangelist & Hip Hop Artist B-Shoc is coming to West on July 31st at 7pm. Come jam to your favorite "Jesus Jump" and more! Doors open at 6:30pm.…
Back 2 School Sunday
Back 2 School Sunday is August 4th. Join us at 10:30am in the Worship Center as we pray a blessing over our students, teachers and parents.
(3M) Ministry Maintenance Monday
The next 3M Ministry Maintenance Monday will be on October 14th th at 6p in The Bistro. Join Pastor Kenneth and hear about and be a part of the decision-making…
Crauswell Baby Shower
You are cordially invited to the baby shower for Haley & Donovan Crauswell on Sunday, August 18th, at 12:30pm in The Bistro. Bentley River is expected to make his arrival…
Men’s Fellowship
West Metro Men’s Fellowship will meet on Saturday, August 31st, at 9am in the FLC. Breakfast will be provided, followed by a time of service and ministry. For more info…
Baptism Sunday
Our next Baptism Sunday is September 1st at 10:30am. If you would like to be water baptized, please call the Church Office at 770.942.5012 for more info.