Sunrise Service
Join us for Sunrise Service at 8am on Easter Sunday, March 31st. Continental Breakfast to follow in the Family Life Center.
Resurrection Sunday
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Come celebrate our Risen Savior at 8am for Sunrise Service, 10:30am for our Worship Experience, and the Egg Hunt for kids immediately following.…
Easter Egg Hunt
West Kids! Join us for our Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, March 31st, immediately following the 10:30a service. For 5th Grade and under. Bring your baskets. It's going to…
Office Closed – April 1-5
The Church Office will be closed April 1st thru 5th. All Connect Groups and Wednesday Night Activities will meet as scheduled.
“Rise Up” Ladies Lunch & Learn
Ladies, it's not too late to sign up for our Women of West "Rise Up" Ladies Lunch & Learn, Saturday, April 13th, from 11a-2p in the Worship Center. Guest Speaker will…
Silver Eagles Fellowship
All Senior Adults are invited to the Silver Eagles Fellowship on Saturday, April 20th, from 1-4pm in The Bistro. For more info, contact Marilyn Foster at
Baptism Sunday
Baptism Sunday is April 21st at 10:30a in the Worship Center. If you or a family member is interested in being water baptized, contact the Church Office at 770.942.5012.
Powder Springs Connector
The Holy Spirit is moving at The Powder Springs Connector. Join Mark & Valarie Crider on Tuesday, April 23rd, at their home in The Upper Room and experience a deeper…
National Day of Prayer
Calling all Prayer Warriors! Join us for National Day of Prayer at Noon on Thursday, May 2nd, at the Douglas County Courthouse as we come together in worship and prayer…
Altman Baby Shower
You are cordially invited to the baby shower for MaryGrace and Ryan Altman on Sunday, May 5th, at 12:30pm in The Bistro. Baby Boy Altman is expected to make his…