Jenna Gossett Broadwater Baby Shower
You are cordially invited to the baby shower for Jenna Gossett Broadwater on Sunday, November 17th, at 2pm in The Bistro. Jenna asks that guests bring a book for Baby…
Deck the Halls
Join us on Monday, November 18th, at 5pm in the Worship Center for Deck the Halls. We will be putting out Christmas decorations throughout the Worship Center (including the stage),…
Thanksgiving @ West | 3rd Annual Tree Lighting
You are cordially invited to our Family Thanksgiving Dinner at 5pm on Wednesday, November 20th, in the FLC. There will be turkey, dressing and all of the fixings! Immediately following,…
Office Closed – Thanksgiving
The Church Office will be closed November 25-29. We will re-open on Monday, December 2nd, at 9am. God's favor and blessings upon you this Thanksgiving Season.
Women of West Ornaments Fundraiser
Women of West are selling Christmas Ornaments (1 for $5 or $3 for $10) in the Admin Lobby. Proceeds to benefit House of Cherith - Atlanta, a safe house for…
Giving Tuesday
Tuesday, December 3rd, is Giving Tuesday, where the Spirit of Generosity is extended via your time, talents and resources. Why not consider giving to one of the many ministries here…
The Story I’ll Tell
Join us on Sunday, December 15th, at 10:30am for our Worship & Arts Christmas Production, "The Story I'll Tell." We all have a story to tell, but none can compare…
Christmas Cookie Reception
Bring your favorite Christmas Cookies to share on Sunday, December 15th, in The Bistro, for a Christmas Cookie Reception immediately following the 10:30am Service.
Sweater Sunday
Sweater Sunday @ West. Wear your best or ugliest Christmas sweater to church on December 22nd.
21 Days Of Prayer & Fasting
Join us as we start the New Year with our 21-Days of Prayer and Fasting. January 1-21, 2025.