Wednesday Night Dinner
Join us on Wednesdays at 5pm in the FLC for our Wednesday Night Dinner. Menu changes weekly. Come hungry and bring a friend!
Women of West Wednesday Pre-Service Connector
All ladies are invited to be a part Women of West Wednesday Pre-Service Connector on Wednesdays from 5:45-6:45 in Room 104. Come enjoy a time of fellowship, Bible study and…
Warrior Group
Veterans and 1st Responders are in a fight for their lives. Join Kenneth Coomer on Wednesdays at 1700 for dinner in the FLC, followed by the group at 1800 in…
Kids Choir
All Kids, K5 thru 5th Grade are invited to join Pastor Heather upstairs in the FLC on Wednesdays at 6pm for Kids Choir. Come use your vocal abilities to worship…
Midweek Connector
All Adults are invited to join us for our Midweek Connector on Wednesdays at 7pm in the Worship Center. Come hear a relevant and timely message from Pastor Glenn Rountree…
Douglasville Connector
Discover how the Old Testament builds towards the fulfillment in the New Testament as you join Dan, Vicki & Jamie Chamberlain on Thursdays, March 13th & 27th at 6pm in…
Servicio en Español
Acompáñanos en nuestro servicio de español los domingos a las 12:30 pm en el Centro de Estudiantes. (Join us for our Spanish Service, Sundays at 12:30 pm in the Student…
Prophecy Class
Travel through Scripture with Carolyn McKinney on Sundays at 1pm in Room 104 and see where we are in Bible prophecy.
King’s Hwy Connector
Join Darrin & Cindy Cline in their home on Sundays, March 16th & 30th, from 5-7pm for our King's Hwy Connector. Come invest, learn and grow in the Holy Spirit.…
Medicine Monday
Join Janice Crowell on March 17th at 6pm in The Bistro for Medicine Monday. With the costs of medicine skyrocketing, come and learn tried and true natural remedies for many…