Warrior Group
Veterans and 1st Responders are in a fight for their lives. Join Kenneth Coomer on Wednesdays at 1700 for dinner in the FLC, followed by the group at 1800 in…
Kids Choir
All Kids, K5 thru 5th Grade are invited to join Pastor Heather upstairs in the FLC on Wednesdays at 6pm for Kids Choir. Come use your vocal abilities to worship…
Midweek Connector
All Adults are invited to join us for our Midweek Connector on Wednesdays at 7pm in the Worship Center. Come hear a relevant and timely message from Pastor Glenn Rountree…
Women’s Tea
Women of West are having a Tea on Saturday, March 22nd, from Noon to 2pm in The Bistro. Attire is Dressy Casual. Wearing of hats or fascinators is encouraged. The…
West Kids Family Night
All Kids (K5 thru 5th Grade) and their families are invited to join Pastor Heather & Crew for Family Night on Friday, March 28th, from 6-9pm in the FLC. There…
Men’s Fellowship | Serve Saturday
West Metro Men’s Fellowship will meet on Saturday, March 29th, at 9am in the FLC. Breakfast will be provided, followed by a time of service and ministry. For more info…
3M Meeting
The next 3M Meeting will be on Monday, April 7th, at 6pm in The Bistro. Join Pastor Kenneth and hear about and be a part of the decision-making process for…
Passover Seder Meal
Join Carolyn McKinney as she shares the history of Passover and then partake of our Seder Meal on Friday, April 11th, at 6pm in The Bistro. Cost is $25 per…
Hard Fought Hallelujah
West Metro Worship & Arts will be presenting "Hard Fought Hallelujah," a Christmas Carol-type drama retelling the events of Holy Week through the eyes of those that were there. Part…
Friday Night Fire
Join us on Good Friday, April 18th, from 6:30-8:30pm in the Worship Center as we remember the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through Worship and The Word…