Student Fundraiser
West Students are having a pre-paid Pasta To Go Lunch Fundraiser. Pick up will be Sunday, February 2nd, between 12:30-1pm at the Coffee Bar. Proceeds will help offset the costs…
All In Wednesday
Join us on Wednesday, February 5th, at 7pm in the Worship Center for All In, where all of our groups come together for our mid-week Worship & Bible Study.
Parent’s Valentine’s Night Out
Parents of Pre-K thru 5th Grade, mark your calendars! Do you want to enjoy a night out to celebrate Valentine's Day? You are cordially invited to Parent's Night Out, where…
Student Lock-In
West Students, Grades 6 thru 12, are having a Lock-In. February 14-15 from 6pm -8am. For more info, contact Pastor Tay at
Student Bonfire at The Faith Farm
The Student event scheduled for February 21st with Coco Brother and 104.5 My City at the Faith Farm has been cancelled. For info on any upcoming Student events, contact Pastor…
After Service Mixer
Join us on Sunday, February 23rd, for our regular Worship Experience, and then stay for our After Service Mixer at 12:30pm in The Bistro. Connect with West Metro Family over…
OWL – Overcoming with Laughter
The Bible says "laughter does good like medicine." Beginning February 9th, join Gerald Cooper on Sundays from 4:30-6:30pm in The Bistro for OWL - Overcoming With Laughter. Come and study…
Powder Springs Connector
The Holy Spirit is moving at The Powder Springs Connector. Join Mark & Valarie Crider on Tuesday, February 25th, at their home in The Upper Room and experience a deeper…
Dunegan – Dooley Wedding
You are cordially invited to the wedding of Mikaela Dunegan and Thomas Dooley on Wednesday, March 5th, at 6pm in the Worship Center. A Taco & Cookie Bar Reception will…
Smokey Mountain Winterfest
West Students (Grades 6 thru 12) are going to Smokey Mountain Winterfest, March 7th thru 9th, in Pigeon Forge, TN. Please pray for a life changing experience for all participants…